For a modern-day Yoga practitioner (also called as Yogi), having some background of what you are learning helps a lot. Although the full Yoga Sutras are complicated and the science behind all the asanas, the mind-body connection etc. can be overwhelming – I recommend that beginners stay away from confusing themselves with the entire science.
Here is my simple advice on how to plan your Yoga journey:
- Set an intention – Why do you want to learn Yoga? Answers might be highly personalized like: I wish to calm myself down and take time for myself, OR I would like to get stronger inside and outside and just physical gym exercise is not bringing me that feel of inner strength, or it could be as simple as I don’t want to be left behind as everyone else is now doing yoga! A clear intention (could be short-term and long-term) is important.
- Seek a guru / teacher that you connect with. Their teaching style, their personality, philosophy, etc. Since Yoga is about vibrations – try to see if you like this new teacher or are better of looking for alternatives. There are a plenty of options out there.
- Trust and practice with faith! If you follow your heart, you will find a great teacher and will really enjoy the process
- Make measurable efforts towards connecting with your practice. You are investing time might as well get the returns!
- Have patience – Yoga asanas don’t come to you overnight! You will need to put some time into learning and mastering the asanas, poses and techniques. Your teacher will guide you.
- Enjoy your yoga practice while you explore the mind-body connection experience.
Having simple goals can go a long way in your overall yoga journey. As you gain more insights and as you see for yourself what Yoga can or cannot offer you towards your well-being you will have a much better chance of succeeding in your journey.
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